
Showing posts from May, 2020

Uses of Hadoop in real life scenarios

Hello....          Today  i am going to give a detailed information about the uses of Hadoop , as we discussed in previous blog now we are going into brief of another topic.                      in the previous blog Out of 10 scenarios i have given information about 2nd scenario and now i want to give information about 4th scenario i.e                                                                Grafx It  Solutions Financial Trading and Forecasting           Hadoop is used in the trading field to find out a trading opportunities.It is designed in a way that it can work without human interaction in case nobody present to monitor the things according to end users need this work. Hadoop is used in the high frequency t...

Use of Hadoop in improving of Cities and Countries

Hello....          Today  i am going to give a detailed information about the uses of Hadoop , as we discussed in previous blog now we are going into brief of another topic.                      in the previous blog Out of 10 scenarios i have given information about 2nd scenario and now i want to give information about 3rd scenario i.e                                   Cities and Countries Improvement:                          Hadoop is used to developed the Country,State,Cities by analyzing data, examples traffic jams can be controlled by using Hadoop. it is used in the development of a smart city, it used to increase the  transport of city. It gives proper guidelines for buses,train and another way of transportation. I will be back with a new topic....

Use of Hadoop in real time scenario 2

   Hello....          Today  i am going to give a detailed information of uses of Hadoop , as we discussed the uses of hadoop in previous blog now we are going into brief of each topics.                      in the previous blog Out of 10 scenarios i have given information about 1st scenario and now i want to give information about 2nd scenario i.e                                                                                                                                            Grafx It Solutions             ...

Use of Hadoop in our Real time Scenario

  Hello....          Today  i am going to give a detailed information of uses of Hadoop , as we discussed the uses of hadoop in previous blog now we are going into brief of each topics.                      In previous blog there is 10 real life reasons to use Hadoop, and now let start with the first reason in the top 10 list...                                                                                                                                                               ...

Uses of Hadoop

                                                                                  Hadoop is a java based frame work,it is an open source frame work. It is managed by Apache software foundation. Hadoop is used for storing and processing bigdata .                    In Hadoop data is stored on inexpensive commodity servers that run as clusters.It is a distributed file system that allows concurrent  processing and fault tolerance.                                                       Hadoop MapReduce programming model is used for faster storage and retrieval of data from its nodes....

What is Automation testing?

         When we use any Automation tool to execute our test cases is known as Automation Testing, testing process will become automatic by using these Automation Testing tools where in Manual testing humans have to perform carefully by sitting in front of computer.                                                       In automation testing tool compare expected result to actual result and generate detailed test reports.By using Automation tool we can re-play test cases when ever we required.                                                 Following are the reasons for usage of Automation testing tools: It does not require human involvement. Automation increases the speed of tes...

What is Manual Testing?

Hello,         Let us know about software testing.Have you ever  searched for software testing? Well here is your search result, now i am going to give you small information about testing... There is a testing process for every project after development ,  two stages of testing  one is manual and the other is Automation, now we will discuss about Manual Testing.                                                   Every new software application should be tested manually before its testing can be automated. Manual Testing is a type of software testing where testers manually execute the test cases without using any Automation tools.Manual testing is the most primitive of all testing types and helps find bugs in the software.                             ...

Is Java widely used language?

Java is an object oriented, class based, general purpose language.It is widely used strongest technology and secure programming language .Java is a platform.A platform is  any software or hardware environment in which a software runs , java has run time environment (JRE).          Java was developed by Sun Microsystems, according to Sun 3 billion devices using java here listed out some as follows: Desktop Applications such as acrobat reader, media player, antivirus, etc. Web Applications such as,, etc. Enterprise Applications such as banking applications. Mobile Embedded System Smart Card Robotics Games, etc.          There are Four types of applications more using Java Programming is listed below:                 1.Standalone Application: Desktop applications or window based applications are known as Standalone applications where we ca...